THE SWEDISH ROCK ARTIST Melvin a lokal answer to the Naked Cowboy? He is playing guitar live in Vällingby at McDonalds and acting out in his performance. Very nice acoustics at the town square.
FRIDAY 15 february 19.00–23.00 Punk culture at The Stairway Culture House The Cafe opens at 18.30 Place: Vällingbysalen. 50 kr Punk concert with several bands: Sexuella trakasserier, Pansarkissaren och Potthinken etc. fl.
MOVIE NIGHT IN VIXTON with actor Nicolas Cage in National Treasure: Book of Secrets. The movie is up on Svensk Filmindustri Movie Palace Fontänen in Vällingby Vixton. Click on the image to watch full resolution image.
TWO MEN PROBABLY 15–20 YEARS OLD walked into Svensk Kassaservice saturday morning. The alarm came 10.19. The persons pointing with an object and came away with some kind of artefacts. No one was injured physicaly. The perpetrators escaped on a moped from Vittangi street.
VALLINGBY-VIXTON got a bank street leading from Angermannagatan to the SHB Tower at Vallingbyplan 5. Lansforsakringar, Nordea, Forex, Swebank and Handelsbanken in a row and a four squars walk.
The new fashion house at the Are Street will be ready in March at Are Street. The Are street leading from the Vällingby port up at the hill.
The conclussion: 61% expanded area for shopping, close to 200 stores and several market squares in the center district.
TAXI RIDE IN THE NIGHT in Vällingby-Vixton late at friday night. The night life is vibrant and hot. Restaurants at the Food Court Vällingehus, the Gaming centre by Coop in Vinsta district, the Movie Palace, the culture house The Stairs makes a great effort with the TrappstegEtt and will arrange a Punkrock evening 15 February with famous punx act “Skit i det” Take the ride to Hässelby and buy a good cigarr, then back to Vällingby and hook up the laptop at McDonalds one step up listening to music by Flaming Bess from Düsseldorf with a coffe and a pie looking down on the street.
SNOW STORM IN VIXTON Vällingby. Christmas decorations are falling down and the flagpoles with banners at Coop Forum West Stockholms biggest mall are blowing away.
Snöstorm i Vixton Vällingby. Juldekorationer har blåst ner och flaggstäner med banners vid Coop Forum, Västerorts största stormarknad, blåser ner.
MELLANDAGSREAN FORTSÄTTER med mängder av erbjudanen med upp till 70% rabatt. 150 butiker finns nu öppna i stadskärnecentrumet. I mars blir det invigning av det nya centret.
The after christmas sale continues with alot of offerings with up to 70% discount. 150 shops are now open in the downtown area. In March the new city will be finished.
KistaChic loggar ut
Idag firar vi en tioårig kärlekshistoria; idag är det tio år sedan jag fick
nycklar till KistaLyan och blev KistaBo. Det tog inte många dagar från att
jag ...
ever changing, yet still the same
Back in 1967 trams disappeared from the city, to be replaced by buses and
cars in the name of Progress. A couple of months ago they returned as the herita...
University teacher in multimedia and research for several years. Now active as private industry researcher, mac developer, music composer for computer games, multimedia designer, manager and dj.